Cheshire is a fictional city much like New York, only bigger. The city of Cheshire covers approximately 622 square miles (471 sq mi of that is land, the remaining area is water) and is divided into 9 wards or counties.
Wards are (alphabetized) as follows:
Bristol, Dorado, Highland, Middletown, Portsmouth, Suffolk, Valencia, Westover, Yonkers
The city of Cheshire is managed by an elected Mayor and elected city council. The Mayor is advised by a panel of experts comprised of business and religious leaders who reside within Cheshire. Each Ward has its own Executive, ward council and legal system and, in theory, work seamlessly with sister wards. In theory.
Each part of the city is connected via the Metro sub-way/elevated transit system which has a main station and multiple sub-stations for entry/exit points in each ward. Many people in Cheshire do not own vehicles. They simply are not necessary in many cases.
The Metro Stations
Central Cheshire Station
This is the main hub of the Metropolitan Transportation Sytem. There are a few different areas including a ticketing area, a concourse, and the various corridors leading to the many subway lines. It is called the Center of the Universe. One of the many places to congregate within the Central Hub is Rack's. It is known as a place for travelers to stop since it is open 24/7 and has amenities including showers, lockers, and a wide screen TV.
The A Line
Amherst station is the main station on the A line and was named for one of the more notable mayors of Cheshire - Joshua Amherst. He was the main motivating force in establishing the initial subway. This subway line is the most direct route into and out of the primary government seat and also services the downtown business district of Middletown. Of historical note, Joshua Amherst was assassinated while traveling on this subway line.
The B Line
Bristol Station is the primary station on this line. During the Bristol Ward Fair Days, this line is the ONLY way in or out of the ward since no cars or other vehicles are allowed on the streets during this week long celebration that happens four times a year.
The D Line
Dorado Station is the main station on this metro line that stretches far out into the rural countryside. Some of the homes in this area are very rustic but many more are large plantations.
The G Line
This subway line is the primary line servicing the district of Portsmouth, the largest district in Cheshire. Portsmouth sits on the eastern side of the city on the bay and encompasses all of the shipyards and docks that service the city of Portsmouth.
The H Line
The largest station in Highland Ward is Crossroads station. It earned this nickname due to the variety of cultures that have settled around this area creating a unique melting pot of people and traditions.
The M line
The main station on this line is Suffolk station, a part military installation and part trade/commerce hub for companies shipping items in and out of the city. This was created after the terrorist attack in Suffolk that left the ward in pieces. It has yet to return to its former glory.