Let up. She let those words kind of sink in, let it sink in that he had to go wherever he wanted him to go. Who was he? An' the thought of Jack having to obey someone didn't settle with her right. Mostly because she knew it had to be driving him absolutely ape shit insane and she didn't like it. It was like watching a majestic creature be caged, and watched its light dwindle out. She sucked in a deep breath, let it out slowly, he was telling her shit happens but she didn't mean she felt responsible for what was going on.
Just that he felt this need to apologize to her. She blinked a few times though when he gave her shoulder a bit of a nudge and glanced over towards him, taking a deep breath to try and steady herself and then let it out slowly.
"...don't want you to go."
She felt selfish, she didn't want to be alone, but she also knew that she didn't want him to be alone. They had hit a huge point in their relationship before everything had hit the fan. She felt like she had just started to truly understand him, get him, and though she probably should have gone running at the fact that his first reaction was violence, it hadn't been, she was okay with it. She rubbed at her face again lightly.
"I'm not pouting."
She was most certainly pouting and she didn't even realize it. It was a look that probably got her whatever she had wanted when she was a kid from nannies and teachers alike. Not her parents, but other adults who were susceptible to things like that.
"I can't do anything?"
She was looking at him again, a bit of hope that maybe there was something she could do, because the part that was just as horrid was how helpless she felt, that she couldn't help him.